This article will detail what happens to someone you mute on Twitter, whether you’re following them or not.

The Mute Feature on Twitter

Twitter is the platform where people have the freedom to air their opinions to a certain extent, as long as it doesn’t peddle hate, harassment, and other things that violate its guidelines. But people can be annoying with their tweets, which can be incessant or bordering on sensitive, triggering issues. Some accounts on the platform thrive with these, but fortunately, there’s the mute option. The mute feature on Twitter is effective for accounts you follow and those you don’t. When you mute someone, it takes their tweets off your timeline without having to unfollow or block the account. In addition, the account you mute will never be able to tell that you did, and you can always unmute them without them knowing too. Twitter helps you keep a list of people you’ve muted so you can easily go back to them and unmute them if necessary. You can mute and unmute an account on your mobile device or desktop.

What Happens When You Mute an Account on Twitter?

The first thing to know about muted accounts is they’ll remain on your “following” list if you’ve already followed them. And if they’ve followed you, they’ll also remain a follower. So muting an account also does not hinder them from following you if they haven’t, and it doesn’t also stop you from following them. When you mute an account, it does not hinder them or you from sending you direct messages. However, you won’t be getting push notifications or SMS from them. If it’s an account you follow, muting it will take away all tweets before you mute it from your timeline. However, their mentions and replies will still be visible in your notifications tab from before and after muting. But if their tweets pop up on your timeline somehow, it’ll appear hidden, and you can tap on “show” if you’re interested in seeing the tweet.

Muting an Account You Don’t Follow

If you’re muting an account you don’t follow on Twitter, their mentions or replies will not appear on your notifications page. In addition, if they’re involved in a conversation that involves you, you will not get notifications. However, you will get notifications from people you follow who are unmuted in that conversation. If their tweets somehow pop up on your TL, they’ll be hidden till you tap the “show” tab.

How To Mute an Account on Twitter

You can mute an account either from a tweet or directly from the person’s profile page. If you’re muting from a tweet, follow these steps. If you want to mute the person directly from a person’s profile, follow these steps. You’ll get a pop-up confirmation message that you’ve muted the person.

How To Unmute an Account on Twitter

You can unmute an account on Twitter the same way you muted it.

How To Access Your List of Muted Accounts

If you’ve muted more accounts than you remember, you can still access them easily. Follow these steps on your Android or iOS. You can unmute, block, or report the account from this list.


With this, you now have the details on what happens when you mute a person on Twitter, whether you’re following them or not. Remember, you can help keep Twitter safe by reporting accounts you think might harm others with their tweets!

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