Facebook also allows you to follow people to keep up with the content they share, provided the person has not restricted you or the public from viewing their posts. The posts you see on your newsfeed are all from the pages and people you follow. You need to know who you are following on Facebook for several reasons, which we will get into later. First, let us look at what “following” means on Facebook and how you can follow people or pages to see their updates on your newsfeed.

What Does “Following” Mean on Facebook?

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok allow their users to “follow” each other to keep up-to-date with their posts. To “follow” someone on Facebook essentially means you have now subscribed to their account, and all of their public updates will now be available for you to see on your newsfeed. However, following someone is not the same as being friends with someone on Facebook. You may follow and be friends with someone simultaneously. However, if that person is not on your friend’s list, simply following them would not give you full access to the content they share. You will only be able to view posts they share that are available to the public under their privacy settings. You can stay updated with their posts without searching for and visiting their profile daily by just following someone. Here are a few reasons you need to know and see who you follow on Facebook.

You May Have Followed Someone by Mistake

While visiting a profile on Facebook, have you ever liked their post by mistake? We’ve all been there! The same may be the case with the following someone. You may have followed someone without intending. You might not even be aware of it until people you are following post something publically, in which case it will show up on your newsfeed. Sometimes, you may not want the other person to know that you’ve viewed their profile. Thus, you need to review your Following list on Facebook and unfollow people or pages you may have followed.

You May Want To Unfollow a Bunch of People or Pages From Time to Time

Our interests tend to evolve as we mature. You may not like the same celebrities or brands you followed years ago. Have you ever seen unwanted updates from pages you are no longer interested in, but it’s too much of a hassle to open the profile of every page and click “unfollow”? A simple way to avoid this inconvenience is to open your following list and unfollow pages or people you no longer want to see on your newsfeed. This will help you filter out things that are just taking up valuable space on your newsfeed, and you will then only see updates from pages or people of interest to you.

To Confirm If You’ve Successfully Followed Someone

If you have followed someone and want to ensure you have successfully done so, opening your following list on Facebook and searching for the page will give you that confirmation. If the person’s name appears in the list, you can be certain you are following them, and you should see their updates on your newsfeed. However, if their name does not appear in the list, you need to go to their profile and click on “follow” to start following them!

To Find Similar Pages of Your Interests

Due to the sheer amount of pages and information you come across on Facebook, it is quite common to follow pages you like and forget you ever followed them. Viewing the following list on Facebook can help you see the pages you follow and are interested in and look for similar pages of your interest. To add someone to your following list on Facebook, you need to follow a few simple steps. Read on to find out! Following someone on Facebook to get updates on their posts and other public activities is very simple. All you need to do is follow the steps below! You need to note that you can only follow people who have set their “Who can follow me” settings to “Public.” If you don’t see the following option, the person you are trying to follow has their privacy settings to “friends.”

Want to See Who You Are Following on the Facebook App?

We have put together a step-by-step guide for you to access your following list and see who you are following on the Facebook app.

To Wrap Up

You need to know how to access your Following list on Facebook as this is the list of pages and users you have subscribed to and will update from! Follow the steps mentioned above to access the following list on Facebook!

How To See Who I Am Following on Facebook App  - 14How To See Who I Am Following on Facebook App  - 37How To See Who I Am Following on Facebook App  - 70How To See Who I Am Following on Facebook App  - 19How To See Who I Am Following on Facebook App  - 33How To See Who I Am Following on Facebook App  - 49How To See Who I Am Following on Facebook App  - 7How To See Who I Am Following on Facebook App  - 19How To See Who I Am Following on Facebook App  - 51How To See Who I Am Following on Facebook App  - 24How To See Who I Am Following on Facebook App  - 91How To See Who I Am Following on Facebook App  - 78How To See Who I Am Following on Facebook App  - 9