You can make the channel read-only when you have a Telegram channel and don’t want people to save, copy, or forward the content you share to the channel. That way, all members will be reduced to viewers. This write-up begins by presenting the steps for creating a Telegram channel. Next, we will understand why people make their Telegram channels read-only and offer the steps to follow to achieve that.

How To Create a Telegram Channel

A Telegram channel is a broadcasting platform where you can post content for your audience to interact with. However, they can’t post anything to the channel unless you make them channel administrators. Here’s how to quickly create a Telegram channel on mobile. That’s it. Your Telegram channel has been created successfully.

Why Make a Telegram Channel Read Only?

A Telegram channel allows only the owner and the admins to share content on the channel, so subscribers can’t send messages to the group. However, subscribers can copy, save, or forward the content shared in the channel. Sometimes, you may want to remove this privilege from the members, leaving them only room to view what is shared. You may not want subscribers to share your content, such as articles, to other platforms or outside the channel. In this case, making your channel read-only will let subscribers view the shared content, nothing more.

How To Make Telegram Channel Read Only

Everyone has their preferences when managing their Telegram channel. If you want to restrict your channel and make it read-only, use the steps below: Once you do, subscribers can’t copy, save, or forward the content you share in the channel, making it a read-only platform.


Making a Telegram channel read-only means you deny subscribers room to copy, save, or forward the content you share in your channel. You can achieve that by enabling the “restrict saving content” option in your Telegram channel. This guide has presented the steps to make your channel a read-only.

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